The Biggest Problems Recruiters Face and How to Overcome Them

Recruiters face many issues each day. Whether it’s a shortage of talent or the market being too crowded, there are always challenges to defeat. Fortunately, there are steps recruiters can take to resolve those issues. Here are three of the biggest problems recruiters face and how to overcome them.

Hiring Managers May Not Collaborate Well

Hiring managers may not be as collaborative as they should be in the recruiting process. For example, managers in highly technical fields often believe sharing information with, or providing feedback to, recruiters is not worth their time because recruiters may not understand what is being said. However, without additional information and feedback, recruiters cannot provide the most qualified candidates for a position.

To encourage hiring managers to collaborate better, recruiters can work on strengthening relationships with them. For example, during the initial meeting, recruiters and hiring managers can set clear expectations for each other. Recruiters may use data to show managers the size of the hiring pool so managers can adjust their expectations accordingly. Both parties can agree to hold each other accountable for meeting the agreed-upon expectations. Also, recruiters and managers can regularly meet to discuss how many candidates applied, where the hiring manager is in the hiring process, whether a manager turned down a candidate or the role has been filled.

Qualified Talent Is Limited

Many fields may be facing a lack of qualified talent. As a result, many job openings remain vacant, and recruiters lose out on filling those opportunities.

To alleviate the lack of candidates who possess the skills and experience required for a position, recruiters can use data to determine the best places to focus their search. For example, LinkedIn’s Talent Pool Reports show where talent supply exceeds demand and provides more recruiting advantages.

Top Candidates Have Many Job Offers

Because highly qualified candidates may be actively pursuing opportunities through more than one recruiter, candidates may be deciding among multiple job offers. If a candidate accepts an offer that originated with one recruiter, despite all the time and effort invested in presenting the candidate with other opportunities, the other recruiters do not get paid.

To help reduce the frequency of losing candidates to another opportunity, recruiters should ensure each candidate has an exceptional interview experience. Ensure candidates have all their business questions answered during an interview. Also, because the interview that candidates care most about is the one with the hiring manager, recruiters can coach the candidate to make the interview more of a two-way conversation rather than an interrogation. In addition, because candidates appreciate meeting a company’s senior leader, recruiters can ask one to briefly talk with a candidate during the interview.

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