The Top Five Ways to Ace a Marketing Interview

Interviewing for a marketing role can be stressful. However, there are steps you can take to increase your chances of making a positive impression and being extended a job offer. Here are five ways to ace a marketing interview.

  • Be Prepared

Research all you can about the company and the interviewers. Understand what the company does and what its mission, values and culture are.

Read the company’s social media pages, blog posts and news section of its website to learn about recent achievements, new campaigns or issues the company’s experiencing. Find out what the company’s target audience is, its role in the industry and products/services it produces. Uncover the company’s revenues, competitors and management structure. Visit LinkedIn to find out the interviewers’ roles in the organization and whether you have mutual connections or interests. Also, print several copies of your resume for the interviewers to refer to and references to call. In addition, prepare multiple samples of your writing or other work to demonstrate your quality and thoroughness. Be prepared to discuss two or three pieces that relate to the position you want.

  • Practice Answering Questions

Ask a family member or friend to ask you potential interview questions and provide constructive feedback. Typical interview questions involve your work style, strengths and weaknesses, and projects you’re proud of. For example, “What are your favorite marketing blogs and why?” “Tell me about a campaign you were involved in that didn’t go as well as expected. What do you think went wrong?” “How have you successfully incorporated online marketing tools into previous campaigns?”

Ensure you quantify your successes to demonstrate how you added value for past employers and can add value for your next employer.

  • Dress Appropriately

Men should wear a dark suit, such as black or navy, with a light-colored dress shirt, such as white or blue, and matching tie. Women should wear a dark suit coat with matching pants or skirt and a light-colored dress shirt. Wear matching socks or hosiery. Ensure your hair is styled, makeup is minimal and shoes are polished.

  • Ask Questions

Listen and respond to what the interviewer says, then follow up with your own question. Add in your opinions and thoughts as well. You’ll keep the interviewer engaged in the conversation and stand out from your competitors. Remember to pause after each question so you can think about the answer.

  • Send a Thank-You Email

Let each interviewer know you appreciate their time. Mention two or three topics you discussed that make you the best candidate for the role. Tell them you look forward to hearing from them soon.

Contact WinCorp Solutions

For help with securing your next marketing position, contact WinCorp Solutions!

How to Get Ahead in Digital Marketing

When working in digital marketing, you need to stay ahead of the competition. Because the industry is rapidly evolving, it is important you take steps to remain updated and continue providing value to your organization. Here are five ways to get ahead in digital marketing:

  • Set Career Goals

Set and achieve goals for your digital marketing career. Focus on what you want and what steps you can take to get there. Determine what skills and experience you need to secure your dream job and what roles you need to take on first. Continually seeking opportunities to improve yourself and move forward in your career path.

  • Create a Portfolio

Build a portfolio showcasing your work and achievements. Include tangible examples of projects you worked on and ones that resulted in successful results. For example, you may have increased website traffic, conversion rates, or followers on social media pages. Also, ensure you include a link to your online portfolio every time you apply for a position. Even if your work does not directly relate to the role, it demonstrates your transferrable skills. In addition, save your statistics, feedback, email correspondence, and other documentation showing you are making a difference for companies. You can use the information during interviews to show you can grow a brand and connect with target audiences.

  • Build Your Presence

Create your profile to show hiring managers what you have to offer. For example, utilize social media to participate in industry conversations and comment on articles or blogs. Also, actively participate in professional conferences and events to network with other professionals and stay current in your field. In addition, volunteer as a speaker, sit on a panel, or conduct a workshop to demonstrate your knowledge and leadership abilities.

  • Participate in Self-Directed Learning

Determine which are the most sought-after skills in digital marketing and teach yourself to master them. For example, you can study blogs, magazines, books, and video tutorials or participate in clubs and classes to teach yourself coding. Because of the significant skills shortage, you will face less competition and have a variety of career options to choose from.

  • Network

Always network. For example, join local clubs about coding, web design, and development or a different topic that interests you. Participate in digital round table discussions about the latest marketing techniques or other topics. In addition, you can participate in LinkedIn Group discussions related to your industry by sharing your knowledge and learning from others. You should also take part in seminars, conferences, and professional associations in your field. You will make new connections and uncover opportunities while remaining current with industry news and trends.

  • Partner with WinCorp Solutions

These are five ways to get ahead in digital marketing. For assistance with moving your career forward, contact WinCorp Solutions today.

Why a Diverse Workplace Is Necessary in the Financial Sector

Diversity is an important element of any company. Employing professionals with various backgrounds provides many benefits to an organization. This is especially true in financial services. Here are four reasons a diverse workplace is necessary in the financial sector.

  • Recruit Top Talent

Focusing on diversity is imperative for hiring the most skilled financial professionals. Due to the continually changing economic climate, firms need to hire and retain the most qualified professionals to remain competitive. Hiring for diversity provides access to a wide range of candidates with the hard and soft skills and experience necessary to increase a firm’s market performance.

  • Cultivate Client Relationships

When financial professionals embody the behaviors necessary for serving a diverse population, they can enter into new markets and increase a firm’s revenue. For example, although women control a substantial amount of money worldwide, their demographic remains relatively untapped by the financial services industry. Not only do a significant number of females not have a financial advisor, a substantial number who do have an advisor feel their advisor does not understand their objectives. Therefore, by having a diverse group of financial advisors, a firm is better equipped for communicating with clients to determine their needs and wants and build trust. Clients will take a more active role in asking questions, choosing their investments and planning their financial future when they feel heard and respected.

  • Fill Client Needs

Because the global population is growing in heterogeneity, having a diverse workforce that anticipates market shifts and the needs and wants of clients provides a competitive advantage. Therefore, it’s important that a firm’s representatives reflect the clients they serve. For example, because female executives tend to more clearly understand the financial needs of female business owners and consumers, firms should be hiring more female executives.

  • Innovate

Hiring for diversity promotes innovation. Having professionals with varying backgrounds provides a strong foundation for solving complex problems in more efficient and effective ways. By encouraging the exploration of unconventional ideas and providing the resources to make those ideas viable, financial professionals desire to further contribute to the firm. As a result, new products and services are created, new markets are captured and revenue streams grow.

For assistance finding staff members or securing a role in finance, accounting or audit, contact WinCorp Solutions today.