Interview Mistakes You’re Making That Are Costing You Your Dream Job

You’ve had plenty of interview chances, but you haven’t landed your dream job. These mistakes during the interview could be what are costing you job offers.

Here are four of the most common interview mistakes that can cost you your dream job.

One Word Answers

No one likes a chatterbox but the opposite can be just as detrimental. An interview is your chance to shine and sell yourself, letting the hiring manager know why you’re the perfect person for the position. But even if you’re nervous you’ll need to push through and answer with more than just a yes or a no. Provide answers that are thorough, demonstrating your skills as they relate to the job. Employers prefer critical thinkers, so be sure to provide thoughtful answers. Providing a specific past work experience as an example is also a strong answer.


Negativity Towards a Former Employer

You might not have enjoyed the time you spent with a particular company – and you may have good reasons to feel that way – but keep your opinions to yourself during the interview. Running down a former employer casts a shadow over your application and interview. Not only does it make you look unprofessional, but may suggest that you are negative as well.


Failing to Ask The Interviewer Questions

It might feel like an interview is one-sided with the interviewer asking all the questions, but that isn’t the case. A good interview is a two-way street and you’ll stay on the hiring manager’s radar if you ask engaged questions. This not only shows you’re interested in the position, it also shows you’re already investing time and energy into the company. Consider asking a few smart questions about the company’s plan for the future, or current projects. You can ask a question such as, “What are some challenges the company has faced due to industry trends and/or changes?” By asking a mixture of hands-on job related questions and inquisitive questions, you are showing the interviewer you have multiple perspectives and dimensions.


Forgetting to Follow Up

If you’re like most people, you probably feel a great sense of relief when you walk out of the interview. But don’t call it a day yet, because you’re not quite finished. Following up after an interview is an important part of the entire interview process. So send a quick email to your interviewer thanking them for their time and interest in your application. And don’t forget to include a comment about being interested in the position. It’s a simple, easy way to remind the hiring manager you want to work with their company.


Preparing for an interview might seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. If you think you would benefit from a little interview prep or would like to explore current vacancies, reach out to the specialized recruiters at WinCorp Solutions. Their team of staffing experts are ready to help you land your dream job. Get in touch today.